Women’s Day? Women’s World! The Man’s Unrevealed Better Half!

Egyptian civilization. Papyrus. Scene of creation. The sky-goddess Nut, covered with stars, is generated by Geb, the god of the earth. Reconstruction of a fresco from a tomb at Thebes, Valley of the Kings. Cairo, Istituto Del Papiro

As we all know, yesterday marked International Women’s Day, and many posts were published on this topic. I apologize for being late to the celebration; I was until now occupied with my grandson, Ilias! This is the first time I have decided to participate in this acknowledgement match, not just because of a lack of time but because I have some reservations about celebrating a cause on a single day and then forgetting about it for the rest of the year. Perhaps it’s true that those in charge choose to memorialize and celebrate under a specific title to alleviate their guilt instead of resolving the issues. However, I believe in using this special day to awaken their consciousness and galvanize them into action.

How well described Marion Woodman about the core of the issue.

via Petra Glimmdall πŸ™πŸ’–

I have frequently written about women’s missing rights and opportunities in society, and I have noticed that progress is being made. A recent example is the approval of a new law by the French parliament to add the right to abortion to their constitution. Bravo! Viva France!

LibertΓ©, Γ‰galitΓ©, FraternitΓ©:

The concept is that if we believe in the duality of everything: cold – warm, above – below, bright – dark, woman – man, etc. Then, they not only mutually prove each other’s existence but also complement each other’s evolution. To comprehend these concepts, we should ponder twice (as the Germans say: Nachdenken!). Coldness would hold no significance if we always had everything cold and were unaware of warmth. Similarly, if we were constantly surrounded by brightness without ever experiencing darkness, we would never be able to comprehend the value of brightness. And it would be the same about feminine and masculine: Anima & Animus.

C. G. Jung introduced terms to describe specific functions of the human “soul” and “mind” ( Anima and Animus, Latin). I have published a partitional post about this issue before. Anima names the feminine unconscious factor in a man, while animus applies to the corresponding masculine factor in a woman’s unconscious.

I believe these are suitable lessons that will make us aware of how to help each other along the difficult path towards achieving the goal or the Self. This is how we can help each other because without encountering the other side, we are incomplete!

However, I have to repeat myself sadly, of man’s blindness as his stupid vanity has damaged a perhaps brave new world!

via Petra Glimmdall πŸ™πŸ’–

21 thoughts on “Women’s Day? Women’s World! The Man’s Unrevealed Better Half!

  1. Damn, a little bit of synchronicity between our posts πŸ™‚ that’s cool. & yes! Happy International Women’s Day! To which, as you say, a measly single day a year may serve as a questioning of correction in position for those in charge. What’s fascinating is, if this is so, they have done it to themselves 🀣 and that is crawling towards, to use Plato’s concept, a benevolent dictator, isn’t it? A big yay for breaking down the collective unconscious. I will re-read your post, but I feel it is as much about the collective as it is about breaking down our own shadows β€” not an easy feat! Props πŸ˜ŠπŸ™βœ¨πŸŒˆβ˜€οΈ

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Thank you so much Aladin for this wonderful Jungian and ‘woman’ themed post. Yesterday I celebrated the ‘Divine Feminine’ in all of us, men and women alike. You see for me there’s nothing more attractive in a man or woman than when they have found a balance between their masculine and feminine sides. I think this is why the androgynous David Bowie was universally loved. Love and light, Deborah.

    Liked by 3 people

    • My lovely sister, you’ve hit the core like you always do. If the “some stupid” human could understand that we are one if we’d just comprehend, the way would be lightening. I send my regards!πŸ™πŸ’–πŸŒΉ

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Thanks for this wonderful post πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’
    As Deborah wrote, if a person finds the right balance between their masculine and feminine sides they become fascinating, as for example the androgynous David Bowie was

    Liked by 5 people

  4. Blessed is The Divine Feminine! Man’s source of nourishment, creativity, and life. I consider myself very lucky, as introvert, same as yourself, to have a closer relationship with the feminine energy, anima inside my psyche, and is the source of creativity for me… I am admiring the sky goddess, Nut depicted in your first image. I look forward to learning more about middle eastern / Egyptian mythology from your site. You have dedicated many posts to this realm. I need to go back and study! As I feel it will help my art! An inspired tribute to women on this (yesterday) women’s day we celebrateπŸ™πŸΌπŸ§žβ€β™‚οΈπŸ§žβ€β™€οΈπŸ––

    Liked by 2 people

    • “Your words express the value of our great friendship, which has inspired us both through mutual teaching and learning, my dear friend. I am always grateful for your encouragement to overcome my introversion and express my thoughts more openly. I am glad to know you, mate. πŸ™πŸ€™πŸ––πŸ™

      Liked by 1 person

  5. You are not late to the token celebration of Women’s Day, because you believe it is every day.

    Each day should be for Every Day Everything.

    Humanity, as whole, is unfortunately not that all encompassing.

    We are by and large small minded, small hearted and tribal.

    There are individual exceptions that rise to a point.

    My hope is that whatever anyone thinks, feels, believes, etc. we could peacefully allow each other the dignity of being so.

    Humanity has a long road to tread ahead.

    Thank you for stimulating my thoughts!


    Liked by 2 people

  6. elainemansfield

    Thank you. I love this, Aladin, and many other versions of Nut. When I look south from my home on a clear night, I see Nut’s arc and the holding of the sky. Yes, we need the feminine and the masculine, too, to make a wholeness to match the starry heavens. Thank you for this post as reminds me that Nut is right here. I’m hoping for a clear sky on the Day of Totality during the Eclipse. The shadow goes right over my home. Maybe we’ll get lucky here and it won’t be cloudy. I’d love to see the strange mystery of darkness in the mid afternoon. I’m prepared with my eclipse glasses and I’m reading and writing about it in preparation. Nature is Magic.

    Liked by 2 people

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