The Everyday Boredom of Life!


I’m not sure if any of you have experienced a feeling like I did a few days ago. It’s hard to put into words, but I will try: I had a few things I wanted to remember and sort out in my head, but I wasn’t sure if they were just dreams or had actually happened!

Have you ever had moments when you couldn’t tell if something that happened the previous day was real or just a dream? It reminded me of schizophrenia, which was quite frightening. It’s like having a blurred line between reality and imagination, making it challenging to distinguish what’s real and what’s not. The reason for all this may be a dream I had the night before.

That night, I had a dream I can still recall. In the dream, I saw Robbie Williams, who had released an album that wasn’t a hit! The album was dull, and he was pretty upset about it, though he always had great help from his mate Guy Chambers. I haven’t ever been a big fan of his and haven’t purchased any of his singles. I have only heard his songs on the radio and listened to them once and not more. That’s why I find it strange that he appeared in my dream.

Painting by Santiago Caruso

Next, a young girl appeared during my dream and offered me her new album. I liked that, though she said she would mix it up with Robbie Williams’ album. Truthfully, they matched perfectly together and became a great hit!

When I told my wife about that, she said it was time for me to begin writing music again! Her advice refers to my earlier time in Germany.

It was around the early ’90s when I used to play guitar on the streets, and as I had only music in my head, I attempted composing, and I managed to write a few songs, which I recorded using an MC (my friends who are my age would know what I am referring to!). The recordings included drums, rhythm guitar, solos, and vocals. I played all these by myself in my tiny room those days with the help of two cassette recorders; poor me! You should see how talented I was!! I suppose this MC is in our basement, in a plastic bag, spending the last minutes of her life.

The main subject I aim to cover is our everyday lives and how boring they can be. Therefore, I took my recent post from Facebook with a quote by Marie-Louise von Franz on this topic. I will compare it with the life of an artist who can live without any single sign of being bored.

Illustration by Wojtek Siudmak – Matter.

Boredom is a symptom of life being dammed up, that one does not know how to get what one has within oneself into reality. — Marie-Louise von Franz, The Problem of the Puer Aeternus

While considering my own, my wife’s, or my friend’s everyday lives, I often ponder why everything seems so mundane. Even the weekends, which should be a time for rest and enjoyment, can sometimes feel dull and uneventful, especially for those who work tirelessly throughout the week. One does plan to enjoy a meeting, going to Cinema to watch a good movie, or driving for a side trip, the time runs out fast like the wind, and it is again the damnd Monday! Of course, it might be because I am retired now and have an eye from a distance.
I believe that the problem is the lack of creativity. Most people end up in jobs they have never chosen or desired; they do that only to make money. Don’t you think these repeated days doing almost the same thing make it no fun anymore? However, for an artist, every new day is a challenge in creating new art.

The pointé is here in Dr. Jung’s words; even then, I comprehended it much better now.

Via Quozio

How can an artist’s life not be boring?

As a child, I had different career aspirations, such as becoming a pilot free of borders or terrain. Still, in my youth, my only wish was to be a music composer, and every morning, I would go to my studio to make a new song. That’s why I think the lucky people who make art or do something similar will never feel bored!

I am convinced that we all were created to create, and art is our way of creating. Therefore, when we are forced to do something else without lust and passion, which, unfortunately, has become common in society, the outcomes are wasted fruits.

After pouring out my heart with the hope that I will achieve my goal of conveying my message to you, I want to mention that next week is the Eastern holiday, and I will probably be absent and miss your kind reactions and feedback. However, I might try to post using the WP timer! Let’s see what happens; until then, I appreciate your visits and hope you have a lovely time, everybody. 🤗💖💥🖖

The illustration at the top is by Micha Lobi.

The Play of Life in Act One…


I still keep looking around me and observing my behaviour in life, and I wonder more and more how much obsession overwhelms me! I mean all the effort I use to be perfect. I strive for everything to go flawlessly, to the point where even the slightest mistake is unacceptable. I know it’s crazy, but I fear leaving things incomplete or unfinished as I grow older. Maybe because the mistakes of the past cannot be rectified or compensated?! I’m aware that this may seem almost autistic, and I make a conscious effort to maintain balance in all aspects of my life. However, it’s not an easy feat. Of course, as we age, we tend to become more carefree as we are on the way to kicking the bucket, or better to say, changing the level, we realize that things lose their worth. One positive aspect of ageing is that we become less concerned about things and more carefree.

A few days ago, I suddenly remembered an old movie comedy from decades ago when I was a teenager. Its name was “Kiss Me, Stupid“, an American movie from 1964, directed by the master of comedy, Billy Wilder. The story is about an amateur songwriting team, Barney Cliff Osmond and Orville Ray Walston, who suddenly find a famous musician, Dino Dean Martin, drunk and lost on his way to their gas station and trick him into staying a while so they can get his influence to publish their songs. Orville offers Dino a place to stay but becomes worried when he learns that Dino needs to have sex every night to avoid headaches upon waking up!

He and Barney arrange for Polly the Pistol Kim Novak, a saloon waitress, to pose as Orville’s wife, Felicia Farr and satisfy Dino, but Orville can’t handle it at all.

Anyway, in this movie, the main psycho character, in my opinion, is Orville, who, with his jealousy and obsession with love and his women, screws everything up! I don’t want to give away the entire plot, as you may watch it someday. I just want to say I was very angry with him when I watched this film; his acting to keep everything for himself was unbelievable, but now I have some sympathy for him. Nonetheless, I would never act in his way. I believe he was jealous of Dino for being loved by every woman!

Now that I am at an age where this topic is no longer relevant, I feel that time dashes, and we must make the most of every minute. I recently came across a Persian anecdote in a WhatsApp exchange, and I found it amusing, so I decided to translate and share it with you. Take care, and have a great weekend.🤗🙏💖

image by crilleb50

Life in a Nutshell.

One day, some old friends who were all 40 years old wanted to make a date to have dinner together. After checking different restaurants, they finally agreed to go to Ali Agha’s restaurant because there are beautiful working maids….!

Ten years later, when they were all 50, they decided to have dinner together again. And after checking different restaurants, they finally agreed to go to Ali Agha’s restaurant because it has delicious food.

Ten years later, at 60, they again decided to have dinner together and finally agreed to go to Ali Agha restaurant because it has a calm and quiet environment.

Ten years later, at 70, they decided to have dinner together again. Finally, after checking different restaurants, they decided to go to Ali Agha restaurant because it has an elevator and a particular way for wheelchairs!

And finally, ten years later, when they were all 80 years old, they decided to have dinner together again. After checking different restaurants, they finally agreed to go to “Ali Agha” restaurant because they all concluded that they had never been there…!!

The advice we get from this story is a clear view of the play of life that is always on the screen!
So, use the present time in the best way.