The Mystery of “Mana Personality” Part One


Translation from volumes published by Lorenz Jung based on the edition “Gesammelte Werke” The Symbols of Transformation (1952) and Aion (1950)

Another challenge? Yes! I have decided to present a perhaps tricky but important topic; of course, I will try to make it as understandable as possible. I believe Dr. Jung’s theories and thoughts are not difficult to understand. They may seem strange, or rather, they are still new to us, which might make them seem difficult to comprehend. However, they are essential because they show us how to understand our undiscovered inner soul, which we might never notice deeply. Often, we look for problems outside of ourselves.

I understand his concerns about whether he adequately and comprehensively explains his lessons, although he never intended to present himself as a teacher. This may be due to the monstrous and sinister issues he has researched and discovered.
“The only real danger that exists is man himself,” he says. “He is the great danger, and we are pitifully unaware of it.” He has seen this danger and tried to show us how to recognize and handle it.

In November of 1960, seven months before his death, C.G. Jung suffered what he called “the lowest ebb of feeling I ever experienced.” He explained the sentiment in a letter to Eugene Rolfe:
I had to understand that I was unable to make the people see what I’ve been after. I am practically alone. There are a few who understand this and that, but almost nobody sees the whole… I have failed in my foremost task: to open people’s eyes to the fact that man has a soul, and there is a buried treasure in the field, and that our religion and philosophy are in a lamentable state.

I will do my best and hope that what he tries to convey to us will become more understandable. The topic of Mana might be an unknown subject, though very familiar to all of us. It is with us, man or woman, from childhood to old age. (I decided to translate the original Jung’s words myself because, as I found out, some online translations are incorrect due to false interpretations. Yes, it is hard work, but trustfully!)
Here is just a foretaste because it will take some parts more than one post! So, let’s begin:

According to Jung, the ‘Mana Personality’ represents an archetypal phase of the individuation process of remarkable interest in psychological, hermeneutic, and theoretical terms. This figure is characterized by a high initiate potential that fosters the approximation of the Self’s consciousness.

The Mana Personality

Klingsor verflucht Kundry (GemΓ€lde von Franz Stassen)

My starting material for the following discussion is those cases in which what was presented as the next goal in the previous chapter was achieved, namely the overcoming of the anima as an autonomous complex and its transformation into a function of the relationship of the conscious to the unconscious. By achieving this goal, it is possible to free the ego from all its entanglements with collectivity and the collective unconscious. Through this process, the anima loses the demonic power of the autonomous complex, i.e. it can no longer exercise possession as it is depotentiated. It is no longer the guardian of unknown treasures, it is no longer Kundry, the demonic messenger of the Grail of a divine-animal nature, no longer the >Mistress-Soul<, but a psychological function of an intuitive nature, of which one could say with the primitive: >He goes into the forest to talk to the spirits<, or: >My snake spoke to me<, or expressed in mythological infantile language: >The little finger told me.<

Those of my readers who are familiar with Rider Haggard‘s description of the ‘She-who-must-be-obeyed‘ will certainly remember the magical powers of this personality. She is a mana personality, a being full of occult, magical qualities (Mana) endowed with mystical knowledge and powers. All these attributes, of course, arise from the naive projection of unconscious self-knowledge, expressed in less poetic terms, which would be something like this: ‘I recognize that there is a psychic factor at work within me which can escape my conscious will most incredibly. It can put extraordinary ideas into my head, cause me unwanted and unwelcome moods and effects, induce me to perform astonishing actions for which I cannot take responsibility, disturb my relations with other people in an irritating way, and so on. I feel powerless in the face of this fact, and what is worse, I am in love with her, so I have yet to admire her. < (Poets often call this the artistic temperament; unpoetic ones excuse themselves in other ways.)

If the factor >Anima< loses its Mana, where has it gone? Evidently, the person who mastered the anima has acquired that Mana, in accordance with the primitive idea that the person who kills the Mana person absorbs its Mana.

Being continued! πŸ˜‰πŸ˜…

PS: I’m writing this post between doing the laundry, mowing the lawn and cleaning the windows, and unfortunately, I had to skip the second post; I’m completely exhausted! (I always wonder how some people can produce posts every hour!!). Thank you all, and have a lovely weekend.πŸ™πŸ’–πŸ€—

16 thoughts on “The Mystery of “Mana Personality” Part One

  1. Thank you for your new translation and this further challenge to spread Jung’s thoughts .

    The topic is a bit complex for me, I confess, but I will try to follow you as carefully as possible
    I was very struck by his statement that the only real danger that exists is man himself, but we are unaware of it.

    PS: Like you, I can’t understand how some people are so skilled that they can produce posts every hour!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow, this is a very difficult Jungian topic to explore, so firstly, let me take my hat off to you, Aladin. Thank you.

    I’ve always intuited that Carl Jung had a positive Mana personality, for his charismatic personality attracted (and still attracts) thousands of devotees and students (decades after his death). People see him, quite rightly, as extraordinary, I feel the same about Marion Woodman.

    On the negative side of a Mana personality, there’s always a danger of inflation and delusion. I see people with Mana personalities everywhere in the news, especially in the realm of celebrity and politics, which is scary because these people influence so many people around the world.

    Whatever you’re doing have a wonderful weekend. Love and light, Deborah.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Deborah, Thank you for your insightful comment. I agree that there is a lot of the negative side of a Mana personality in our world today, which is why I decided to focus on this topic. I believe we can gain valuable knowledge from the brilliant Jung’s writings if we continue to engage with his work. Stay well, my lovely angel.πŸ€—πŸ¦‹πŸŒΉ

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow – this is a complex post for me Aladin…so much so that I had to go and read an explanation on Junguipedia where the following helped also: “The mana personality is often associated with people who are charismatic leaders, performers, or celebrities. These individuals possess an extraordinary amount of personal magnetism that can inspire others to follow them or be drawn to them. However, the mana personality can also have a negative side, leading to anΒ inflatedΒ ego, narcissism, and a tendency to dominate or manipulate others.” Hmm at this time of elections throughout the world sadly the latter part of this quote becomes more relevant. Don’t overwork yourself too much Aladin – I hope you find time to rest and relax this weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Well, you have wonderfully explained! However, we must be careful that this feeling of narcissism and leadership is present in every one of us. It is just more potent in some and weaker in others. Thank you so much, my lovely Lin. I will keep your advice in my ears; I’m not the youngest anymore!πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚πŸ™πŸ’–

      PS: I had to approve your comment again! I don’t know what’s going on with WP!? Anyway, I’ve registered on your side; may it help to solve the problem.πŸ™„πŸ˜˜

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Hmmm,

    So, then highly evolved spiritual abilities are within the female part of a man?

    If a man tries to separate that quality from his female nature, it can have certain negative, even detrimental results.

    OR a man can subconsciously remove the mana from the animus, and possibly end up as a murder or rapist.

    I’m trying here!

    Hope the laundry came out okay!


    Liked by 1 person

    • You got the point, my wise friend. Both men and women must balance the anima and animus to achieve the positive side of Mana. I will try to explore this further in the following sections if this damn household lets me do it!!πŸ˜œπŸ˜‚ Thank you, dear Resa.πŸ™πŸ’–πŸŒΉ

      Liked by 1 person

      • Oh good!
        When I don’t get the first part of something, the second part makes even less sense.
        Okay, I’m headed to the washing machine, now! β¦πŸŒΉπŸ’–πŸŒŸπŸ€—


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