The True History!


In the history of humanity, we can find many cases that were cover-ups and manipulated in favour of the ruling authority. I recall someone once saying: ‘In every battle, if you lose, you are a criminal. But if you win, you are a hero! Now that AI has become more prevalent, manipulation in our society has become much easier. I wonder whether the recent technological advancements result from human ingenuity or if there is an extraterrestrial influence at work!? To put it bluntly, I sometimes feel that all this technical progress in the hands of human beings is akin to giving a carrot juicer to a five-year-old child!

β€œUntil lions have their historians, tales of the hunt shall always glorify the hunters.” Or the winner takes it all!

We will not define or reach the truth until we examine every issue in depth and consider both sides. It would be wise to observe beyond the events, to read between the lines, and not allow ourselves to be seduced by the brilliance of the stronger ones. Never believe the hype. Never trust a rumour! We must rely on our own awareness through our experiences. I have encountered numerous online instances where verses, quotes, or thoughts have been manipulated or attributed to great thinkers who never actually expressed them. It is just abusing the name of a great personality just to make a multiple share on the web!

As Ernest Hemingway once said, meeting Americans individually or personally is amazing, but they are terrible and even dangerous in one mass.

As Dr. Jung says, Thinking is difficult; therefore, let the herd pronounce judgment!

These can constantly appeal to ordinary, everyday facts known to everyone. Still, the instinct for wholeness requires, for its evidence, a more highly differentiated consciousness, thoughtfulness, reflection, responsibility, and sundry other virtues. Therefore, it does not commend itself to the relatively unconscious man driven by his natural impulses because, imprisoned in his familiar world, he clings to the commonplace, the obvious, the probable, and the collectively valid, using his motto: “Thinking is difficult, therefore let the herd pronounce judgment!” It is an enormous relief to him when something that looks complicated, unusual, puzzling and problematical can be reduced to something ordinary and banal,
especially when the solution strikes him as surprisingly simple and somewhat droll. –Carl Jung, Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Sky, p. 48

This quote is also an example of how things get turned around, which may explain the misappropriation.Β He has never said, “Thinking is difficult; that’s why most people judge.” But this latter became famous and therefore accepted because it has been repeated countless times! However, referring to the quote itself says to think twice and keep questioning before concluding.

Numerous misattributed quotes are circulating online, and one of them is, “Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.” Contrary to popular belief, Sigmund Freud never actually said that. It’s important to note that it’s challenging to verify the authenticity of quotes online; Abraham Lincoln humorously stated, “The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is hard to verify their authenticity.”!!

This African proverb is used to describe how dominant groups inscribe power through historical narrative metaphorically. We can see the unfairness in the world despite the access to social media and the questionable accuracy of the information shared. Those in power often have the upper hand. The dominant voice is heard and believed.

One must have tough skin to survive! I prefer to avoid all deception and manipulation and conceal myself behind a strong and unaffected mask to be protected. Or to be so wise as Rumi, keep going and sing your song like a bird.

As a Russian proverb says: Trust is good, but control is better!! Have a leisurely weekend.πŸ™πŸ––πŸ’•πŸ₯°πŸŒΉ

23 thoughts on “The True History!

  1. When I think about history, I have always held little trust in the so-called β€˜official’ history books and news reports that we, the people, receive because so much of history is, and has been hidden. AI, it seems, has its dark and light sides too. With elections, for example, I worry that these events can be manipulated by hackers and advanced software which will increase the vote in favour of one side or another. Hope you’re having a lovely, relaxing weekend too, Aladin. Thanks for sharing! Love and light, Deborah.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. A slight tangent but I had to say, Ernest Hemingway was a great novelist and journalist but he killed so many beautiful animals in Africa and for that he was horrid.😟

    Otherwise, have a lovely day, Aladin! πŸ’›βœ¨πŸ¦

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Lin

    It’s usually what isn’t said in the papers or online news that is the problem – stories and reports are fashioned to fit that particular news outlet or politicians views or motives. As for AI – it is frightening. Photoshop has used it for years on a small scale but now the things that anyone with the software can do to any photo is frightening! Hope you’re weekend is a restful one Aladin.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Lovely friend, I completely understand your concerns and can relate to your worries. As you once said, AI and the like are just facilities to be used “under” the auspices of art, nothing more. We must be aware of what’s going on around us! Thank you, dearest Lin.πŸ’•πŸ™πŸ’–πŸ‘πŸ’‘

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Ah, Aladin, so much to think about. Ever since I saw the movie, “Wag the Dog” I have worried about these things. AI takes us one step closer. Here in the U.S., we people of tolerant minds (i.e., liberals) were losing the information war way before AI came online. I can imagine the battle just became that much harder. I’ve tried to distance myself from all the anger and hatred by reading a little less news, but that just makes me less informed. I’m not sure what the answer is, but I hope cooler minds prevail and equity and justice finally get their moments in the sun. The metaphysical types keep saying we are ushering in a new world, a higher consciousness, and that all this “meshugana” is caused by a collective fear from those people who are not quite ready to evolve. I get that, but it’s making it way too hard for the rest of us to live our lives. I hope the crazy passes soon, the sun comes out, and peace is restored. Until then, I guess we just have to keep the faith.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I am fascinated by puppets, when I control/manipulate them. Otherwise…. boring!

    What you say is most interesting.I especially like the Abe Lincoln quote. πŸ˜…

    I used to believe a lot of incoming information. Now, I don’t believe anything, until I have a good look. Even then????

    And looking back at much of what I believed before is a questioning experience.

    Soon, AI will rewrite Jung and Dickens… and anyone who needs to be corrected according to the powers. Perhaps one day AI will be the powers.

    Thank you for another delve into intellect, Aladin.


    My next post goes up Friday. You can’t miss it!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Oh yes! In those days, brave journalists tried to cover up the actual events, but now the controllers are much more powerful and can keep them silent! I wish there were more like you to look delved deep and keep questioning before believing. If the day comes when AI writes Jung and Dickens or Shakespeare, I’d pass on all these and hide in the caves!! I will be happy to read your next post, my dear Reasa.πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ™πŸŒΉπŸ˜˜

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  6. elainemansfield

    An honest post about the mess we’re in. I trust very little of what is posted, although still have some faith in a few news sources (using my discrimination at all times). I used to read and accept when I was younger, but now I know there’s always a slant–often a crooked slant. Dr. Jung helped us see that shadow side and I’m grateful for him in helping me be less naive.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, dear Elaine. Journalism used to be combative and free, but now everything seems lost. After all, as you say, Dr Jung opens our views and helps us understand things better.πŸ€—πŸ™


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