Anniversary of #Jina_Mahsa_Amini, not the Memory of Death but the Blossoming of the Soul, the Soul of Freedom.


It is one year since 22-year-old Jina (Mahsa) Amini was hit to death by the morality police custody, who had been accused of not wearing her hijab [veil] properly. Of course, it didn’t end up there as many other young girls and boys followed her and were brutally killed almost in the same way, and it is still continual. She was not only the start; she had also enflamed fire behind the ashes.

You may remember that I wrote those days about these happening and my feelings toward the Western governments ignoring all this bloodshed.

Yes, it’s been one year, and many more young people were arrested, raped, executed or died under torture in prisons. But still, the West keep silent, or even worse, they try to continue merchandising with the Mullahs under the slogan: We can not condemn a regime because we don’t like their faces!! Says @Josef Borrel, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy since 2019. Even if it sounds sad, politicians are never interested in humanity, people or Human Rights. Profits are, for them, the only subject that man must negotiate about! In this case, Western politicians are monitoring the ongoing conflict between Russians and Ukraine before seeking to initiate a regime change in Iran.

Dr. Parchizade, a political theorist, historian of ideas, senior analyst, and a valuable friend of mine, wrote in his article; Iran’s Mahsa Revolution One Year On

Who are the protesters?

The Woman, Life, Freedom Revolution was not the expression of a unified political movement. Not everyone opposes the Islamist regime for the same reasons, and people from every imaginable political stripe took part. The opposition is divided, however, into two main camps, which we can identify as the “progressive” and the “reactionary” opposition.

In the progressive camp fall the various pro-democracy movements of Iran. This includes a wide sweep of ordinary people as well as politically active individuals and organizations ranging from liberal to socialist and secular to Islamist. These currents have popular bases in Iranian society, especially among middle and lower classes as well as the marginalized sections of society such as ethnic, religious and sexual minorities.

You can read the whole article here.

On the other side, there’s the son of the former king (Shah) of Iran. He has been living a comfortable life for the past forty-five years since leaving Iran with his family and a substantial amount of money that rightfully belonged to the Iranian people. Despite not actively opposing the Mullahs regime, he has now become the focus of Western interest. Is this another attempt at the same 1953 coup against Dr. Mossadegh? Dr. Mossadegh’s efforts to establish democracy were thwarted when American and English intelligence services installed his father, Mohammad-Reza, in power. In fact, the former head of SAVAK and the agents of the former Shah’s regime are all working to control this revolution.

In any case, the Iranian youth will always avoid falling into the tricksters. They have created the motto #Woman_Life_Freedom and God of the rainbow, a goal that is not only specific to Iranians but covers all humanity. Throughout history, revolutions have typically been led by a single individual with an ideology. However, the current movement is unique because it is a post-modern revolution without a clear leader. Instead, the prominent figures are the individuals taking to the streets.

Anyway, throughout their history, the Iranian people have experienced multiple revolutions, each time gaining new insights. Unfortunately, these revolutions have come at a significant cost of time and bloodshed. Though, as I remember, after World War II, Willy Brandt became the Chancellor of Germany and famously declared his desire for more democracy. He said: “Er wolle mehr Demokratie wagen!” (He wanted to dare more democracy.) We might have to do it as well!

Ultimately, I understand that everyone in this world is preoccupied with their own concerns and surroundings. However, I humbly request that any of my friends who come across this article take a moment to offer their prayers and well wishes to the youth who are only seeking their fundamental human rights to live.

You are not lost; your way is ongoing to reach the goal. Never forgive, never forget!

For more interest, here are a few articles which I once wrote. Here, here, and here. 💖🙏💖🦋

24 thoughts on “Anniversary of #Jina_Mahsa_Amini, not the Memory of Death but the Blossoming of the Soul, the Soul of Freedom.

  1. What has happened to women and what continues to happen to women in Iran is heart-breaking! Thank you so much Aladin for sharing this post with us. In the UK we seldom hear about this vital news story in our papers now. I have to go searching for this news or turn to people like yourself who do not feel intimidated not to share these important stories. Love, light and freedom, Deborah.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I can’t begin to imagine what living in Iran is like for women, or for any other persecuted minority living there. What’s happened is soul destroying, yet thankfully the youth fight on for their right. It’s people like you Aladin, with your persistence and strength of commitment, that keep the west informed of these atrocities, so thank you for reminding us as we live our lives so freely here in the UK.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Lin, I am grateful for your understanding and support. Knowing everything in our everyday life is impossible, especially if the information is kept hidden. Your kind words and compassion have been immensely helpful in reminding me (us) that I am not alone. Thank you so much. 🙏💖🤗

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you for raising my awareness of the appalling attacks on women and freedom lovers in your beloved country. I am so sorry. And so impressed by what you are doing to try to call attention to it. Your work matters. It awakens and inspires your readers. I am offering prayers and well wishes. Jeanie


    Liked by 1 person

    • Your kind words always give me the hope I need to keep going. I am truly grateful for your support, dear Jeane. Though I may not be able to do much, I will try to expire this pain and suffering into the world. Having wise and caring friends like you gives me the strength to persevere. Thank you so much.🙏💖


  4. The world will never know what the contributions of those killed might have been. But we are collectively under obligation to them for what they tried to do – take on repressive governments and religious officials in places where that is fatal.

    I am in awe of their bravery – I don’t think I could have done it.

    How to reverse the repression is so unclear. When Americans got rid of the British, said British were a long way away, and it wasn’t easy to send troops or battleships. Now, it’s like the authoritarian and fascist governments know instantly where to send the tanks. It terrifies me.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh yes! Iran is not as far away as the new world, but dear Alicia, you provided an excellent comparison between the American Revolution and the current situation in Iran. Both instances involved various ethnic groups coming together to fight a common enemy. This is precisely what the people of Iran need to do – unite! Though I appreciate your feeling towards their courage, and I can share with you the same trembling in my body about what the great powers may plan with their weapons! Thank you, Alicia, dear wise friend.


      • We have had our fingers burned when the well-meaning Americans joined their war hawks and tried to force democracy on Vietnam, Afghanistan, Cuba. We’re right, they would be better off, but we can’t get there from here, and supporting tyrants of one kind to get rid of another kind isn’t working – we’re NOT big enough to be the world’s policeman (nor pure enough, but that’s another story).

        I don’t know how societies with autocratic governments can improve. But there is no peaceful path. China used foreign technology – the internet – to hit its own people harder. Prosperity was not the answer – because, as usual, too much of it goes to the rich and opportunistic.

        Much better minds than my sick one haven’t found ‘the’ solution – and religious nuts are horrible when they get temporal power, whatever religion they are.

        It’s a quagmire, an enigma, a mess.

        Sorry – you got me at a pessimistic low point.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Don’t worry because I’m a pessimistic person myself! I don’t think there’s too much left to be hopeful about. As you might have heard, the US government have made the blocked 6 billion dollar sum accessible for the Islamic regime to kill more young people and send more weapons to Russia to kill more Ukrainian people just to have his five hostages back home. By the way, they invited the president of this terrorist regime to UNO in New York. Also, where is the light of hope?! 💖

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  5. elainemansfield

    I feel uneasy about the recent prisoner exchange with Iran. Is it a condoning what they’ve done for the US government to make a deal with them? It feels so to me. Governments are not interested in human rights as far as I can tell, but in power and domination and money. When I read about this, I thought of you and knew you’d have wisdom to share. I despair for the people of the world who are marginalized because of gender, race, religion, or political ideologies. It’s crazy for us to fight each other when the Earth is erupting. Sending support to you knowing you have suffered under all of this. Thank you for standing strong.

    Liked by 1 person

    • The tragedy has no end, my dear friend! It looks like the Islamic regime takes hostages to make deals, and the Western governments play this dirty game along. I don’t think race, religion, or anything else is important. The main subject is money and power; as we see, there is no difference between Obama, Trump or Biden; who is in charge lies elsewhere!
      Anyway, I hope your prayers will be heard, my lovely friend. Stay well and blessed.💖🙏🦋

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