An Unexpected Event!


Honestly, I wasn’t sure if I’d have enough time for my second post today because my wife and I were planning to drive to Hagen to meet her sister, which is about 150 km south of us. I had even prepared one of my heaviest and most effective masks for that occasion. However, my wife caught a bad cold, and we had to cancel the trip. While I’m not happy that she’s sick, I have to admit that I’m relieved that I don’t have to wear that very mask!

So! I thought the best way would be the easiest way to share the visit to an Art Gallery in our small town, Bielefeld, which we did last Sunday. Putting it bluntly, I do not have a good relationship with where I live. When I first moved here, it was a friendly “big” village filled with all peace and beauty. But it began to try to expand to become a big town, damaging its charm and losing every corner of what it once was. When Regina offered me to visit a museum last Sunday, I immediately thought of the City Museum, the biggest one in our town and the most boring one ever! But she had a different one in mind: “Kunstforum Hermann Stenner”. Also, I agreed, and when we arrived, I was pleasantly surprised to see such fascinating art from somehow unknown artists and more amused to find out that most of them were women.

For example, Marlies Jung 😉

Anyway, here are you and this intriguing new art by the new generation.

I love this girl!

The picture at the top: Kunstforum Hermann Stenner by Thomas Ruthmann. The rest by me!

Have a lovely time! 💖🙏🤙

19 thoughts on “An Unexpected Event!

  1. A visit to any sort of gallery is food for the creative soul – not all art is my cup of tea but I usually find some work I love. These are some intriguing pieces – I’m drawn to the spiralling sun painting and the sculptures…that last one looks a little Aztec inspired. Btw…that has got to be one of my favourite Melissa Etheridge tracks!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great art! Thank you for sharing this visit with us!

    I’m glad to see you are taking the “new normal” seriously. I do.
    A working associate of mine died of covid 10 weeks ago. (only in her 50’s)

    Love Melissa E. You picked great songs!
    Okay, take care!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. elainemansfield

    Wonderful and you avoided a visit that didn’t thrill you. Our local museum with great views of Cayuga Lake (another of the long Finger Lakes) always feeds my soul. I haven’t been there since winter. And now we have a Tibetan Museum, too. This time of year, the wildflowers and butterflies along the trail are my favorites. Soon, the cold will come and a museum will feel right.

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