In Search of Lost Treasure!


Or Missed Opportunities!

“no such thing as chance, and that every act and every expression has its own meaning, determined by the inner feelings and wishes of the individual.” ~ C.G. Jung, Psychology of the Unconscious

Before the sixty-ninth rotation of my presence on this Earth around the sun (it could be tomorrow evening at eight o’clock, my mother once told me, as a homeborn child), I wanted to open some doors (hopefully not closing any) to stop straining my humbleness and let my ego speaks!

As you may be aware, I’ve been dealing with a lot of stress in my personal life recently. This has made it difficult to maintain a sense of balance, and I’ve felt quite weighed down as a result. Because I tried to care deeply about the happiness of those around me (on the media), and I’ve experienced some conflicts in my interactions there.

The word is “Expectation, or await”! Let me explain;

I’ve had many talents I couldn’t fully utilize throughout my life. This may have been due to my mother’s lack of attention or because I chose to prioritize helping my brother Al achieve success. Despite this, I’ve always been amazed by the number of highly admirable, educated, professional, and well-known friends and acquaintances I have – both online and in my personal life. I don’t hold any titles, haven’t published any books, or possess any highly professional licenses.

I have a clear memory of my journey to becoming an actor. It all began when I met some professional actors by chance and asked them if I could join their group. They invited me to observe their work, which I did despite not being very young anymore. After watching them critically, they allowed me to participate in a temporary production. Surprisingly, I performed better than all of them! I have had the opportunity to perform in various productions, including stage performances, TV shows, and two movies. However, I had to leave due to the constraints and disruptions imposed by the Islamic regime. Following our escape from Iran, I provided my full support to Al in his writing endeavours. After his passing, I found myself struggling to rediscover who I was, both in the past and present.

And after going back and forth, I ended up on WP and made many star friends. However, there is an issue with handling each other and the “expectation” involved. Due to stress, I couldn’t read all the posts from my favourite writers, and as I don’t like leaving cliche comments, I just left them without. Some friends understood my situation, but others did not (I even heard teasing when I apologized).

People can become so absorbed in their own lives that they assume everyone is in the same situation. It’s important to take a step back and realize that there are many versions of what it means to struggle. Sometimes, simply clicking the like button or keeping silent is more meaningful than leaving a meaningless comment. Anyhow, I will try to make this not longer than it is; I paste a copy of a post on Facebook by one of my dear worthy friends, Isa Bel. May it help all Leos to understand themselves better.


Do you have any planets in Leo? Here is a good description of the archetype, written by Astrolocherry

The world is a stage for Leo, and they play multiple characters with ease. The role of life is a performance, and Leo absolutely enriches their environment with creative expression and sunny exuberance. Leo is the symphony of the first four signs coming together. There is more to Leo than superiority and dramatized scenes for attention. They are a fairytale story of their own, the character God used for all the greatest stories.

The Leo is a cabaret. Their striking impression becomes the sun in every room, radiating the light and catching every set of eyes. This is the Leo artist illuminating their solar dance in rapturous self-expression. Maybe they paint, sing, or act. Or perhaps they just wield divine creative genius in their pure being.

Pride emanates in admirable self-confidence, and self-presentation is important and vivid.

When another stage is set, the Leo’s heart becomes sultan. They are hopelessly romantic, impassioned, reactive, and generous. Every action is inflamed by the beat of the heart. At this moment, Leo is the nurse who soothes the vulnerable or counsels friends. And for all the remarks of egocentrism, Leo is admirably empathetic, often sacrificing their own well-being to rescue a friend or care for somebody.

There are good skills of mediation in Leo and a heartbeat that plays a gentle lullaby. Now she wants to save the world. This is the side of Leo that weeps over the news and the condition of everything.

When the curtains are pulled, Leo’s emotions internalize; with nobody awake to watch, Leo can crumble.

Loneliness becomes like walls, incarcerating and relentless. There is severe, responsive sensitivity that somewhat drives the individual’s incessant need for validation and trembling fears of abandonment. This side of the Leo longs to cradle baby cubs and fall into the arms of a protective lover.

The inner child is raw and wounded here. This is when they look into the mirror and see a frightened child in the body of a full-grown adult. And this intimate bond with the inner child sets another stage for Leo, where they become the teacher, the guardian, and the source of amusement. There is a golden glow in Leo that seems to draw children close. And they seem to have a natural way with young people, often inspiring with leadership and amusing with play.

The Leo never quite loses the graces and the faults of youth. The Leo never follows a script, but the red carpet is always ready to be rolled out. This is the infinite motion picture.

Written by Astrolocherry

17 thoughts on “In Search of Lost Treasure!

  1. Firstly, my dear friend Aladin, and most importantly, as I’m on holiday and giving FaceBook a rest until September, have a truly wonderful 69th birthday tomorrow! A day filled with love, surprises and a celebratory toast to this last year of your sixties.

    Secondly, I’m sorry to hear you’ve received negative responses from those who’ve forgotten busy times in their own lives. Myself, I only follow a few blogs because I don’t have the time to follow more but those I do follow are people like yourself who inspire me.

    Lastly, please know this, whatever you write I find interesting, whether you’re sharing a post, exploring Jung, writing about musicians or film directors or having your kitchen refitted and where you’re going next on holiday. I love them all. Keep them coming!

    Sending much birthday love and light to you on this special weekend, Deborah xxx

    Liked by 3 people

    • My dear angel. Firstly, I wish you a wonderful holiday. Take your time (surely you will do it), and enjoy it. Secondly, I have had no negative responses to any of my posts. I just proclaimed my disappointment about Superficial comments, which showed the primary influence of the bourgeoisie in our world today. It is sad to see how Western people, especially the intellectuals, are deeply drowned in their comfortable lives and keep their eyes closed on what is happening worldwide. You might not read my answer to your comment because of your holiday.
      Nevertheless, I write here an example of what I really mean: When you celebrate your lovely Goddess in the time of Fullmoon, you might think of the young girls in Iran, those who got in the eyes shot by bullets of the Islamic regime and got blind. They can never see this beautiful Moon! That is the conflict I meant between our worlds. Love and Peace. 💖

      Liked by 1 person

  2. elainemansfield

    I hope you had a wonderful and peaceful birthday. I wish you a good coming year.

    I’ve studied astrology since I was introduced to Jung’s ideas in my early 20s (that’s a long time ago) and have four planets in Leo, including Moon and Mercury on the same degree. Venus is also there. I hoped the writer of Astrolocherry would bring up the vulnerable and careful side of Leo–the part that is gets wounded from a need to show strength at all times. I liked her write-up a lot and hope it helps you cherish your own nature.

    You’ve been through things in this life I can’t imagine. I don’t need you to respond to anything I write which has shifted from grief to Jung and now to a kind of nature mysticism. I’m just grateful knowing you and knowing we’re sharing the same challenging world. Thank you for persistent sharing–and truly there is no need to respond since I’ve written so much. Warmly, Elaine

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Elaine, my adorable teacher. I want to express my deepest gratitude for your understanding. You know, in between how my heart is full of sadness is beating for the young people in Iran, and with such intense emotions, it is hard for me to immerse myself in the beautiful and peaceful Western lifestyle fully. I love your writings about such beautiful creatures you cherish so lovingly. However, my mind is preoccupied with worries about the future of the young people in Iran. There’s an injustice, and this lion feels compelled to do his best to help put an end to it. Have a wonderful time, be blessed, and thank you.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. My dearest friend, you don’t haveto ANYTHING, it is always enough to know you are there with your kindness and intellect, your very generous heart. I’m so sorry you have had stress and negative responses. I personally find the support you give amazing. You have family, you have work. I wish you the happiest birthday. And don’t worry about responding x

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Lady, your kind words and overall kindness bring me great joy. You are one of the few who genuinely comprehend my current situation and emotions, and I am grateful for your friendship—xxxxxxxx sending my love to you.

      Liked by 1 person

      • What is going on in your home country–and it does not matter whther you left there yesterday, or not–is appalling. It is beyond belief actually and a cloud on your life. In leaving there you must have hoped that there might come a time when it would all be evena tiny bit different. In addition, you have your own life with all the calls on your time while you try to do everything you can still to highlight what is happening elsewhere and to support others here. Sending all my love to you and all of yours. and aleways grateful for your friendship and support.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. I hope that you’re having a very special 69th birthday today Aladin surrounded by good friends, family and much love and light.

    It’s dreadful but sadly a downside to social media that some users forget others have lives outside of the internet and that sometimes those lives can be extremely challenging. You have been a shining light since I joined the blogging world and one whose posts I will always try to read and, if I can, I comment – but know that there will always be admiration for the wonderful array of subjects that you are able to talk about so well. Have a lovely birthday celebration, with warm wishes, Lin

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Lin, I appreciate your kind words. Unfortunately, some individuals on social media lack open-mindedness. I do have concerns about comments that are irrelevant to the topic at hand and would rather not have any of these comments! However, the fact that my article has been read brings me joy, regardless of comments. Knowing I have such beautiful, good-hearted friends like you is enough for me. Enjoy your holiday


  5. Happy Birthday, Alaedin!
    I am a Leo!
    Mercury in Leo
    Venus in Leo
    Pluto in Leo

    I came from a broken home, worked through my teens to help my alcoholic parents, but I did not have to escape a repressive regime. I only had to escape my family.
    I chose to help no one but myself, and chose a life with no children for fun and a career.
    Selfish…perhaps, but I think pragmatic.
    I struggled, could have done better, could have done worse.

    I don’t know you except from WP, and you seem highly intelligent.
    I’m happy when you come around, but put no pressure to like or comment.

    You know, you are still alive, and can write a book, or something else that completes something you feel you have not been afforded due to circumstance.
    Your choice.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello, my fellow Leo. I empathize with your struggles as a teen, as I have met friends facing similar issues. I myself have no expectations; I write something from my heart and mind, and that is all. Honestly, I would rather not have any comment at all than to get clichés comments that are frequently used. It’s great that you’re not feeling pressured to conform to this trend. It’s frustrating to see the competition on WP for more likes and comments, regardless of their quality.
      Thank you for your kind words, my dear Resa; however, writing a book, as I had witnessed two writers in my family, is not so easy. My father and brother possess this talent; for me, it was music and the theatre. But yet, as you see, I had no chance to continue in those ways and chose the writing! Love to you, my wise friend. 🙏🥰💖😘


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