Huxley’s or Orwell’s, The Main Concept Comes to The Same End! (P. 3)


The Nexus: (Is it Really True, or Truly Real?!)

It is never wrong if we become sceptical repeatedly, and instead of simply believing everything, think a little and do some research. The famous Russian prob gives good advice; Trust is good, Control is better! Of course, I don’t mean everything is a lie, but everything is not true, indeed! Now continuing on my topic (after parts one & two), I dare to confuse the everyday all-day life of some of us and may naughtily stir up some teasing. It will never be boring, I promise!

The world of Nexus! (an extra-dimensional realm of wish fulfilment that exists outside of normal space-time). An imaginary world that can be desirable for everyone. I got to know this world in one of the Star Trek movies: Star Trek; Beyond The Nexus. As you might have seen in this movie, there is a world or a dimension in which everything is possible; you must only wish for what you’d like to have. Here is everything and nothing real! Isn’t it a dream world? (I always ask myself if what we see is real at all?!)

Le Reve D’ania, Painting by Gyuri Lohmuller _ Artmajeur

Imaginary worlds are highly successful. The most popular fictions produced in the last few decades contain such a fictional world. They can be found in all fictional media, from novels (e.g., Lord of The Rings and Harry Potter) to films (e.g., Star Wars and Avatar), video games (e.g., The Legend of Zelda and Final Fantasy), graphic novels (e.g., One Piece and Naruto), and TV series (e.g., Star Trek and Game of Thrones), and they date as far back as ancient literature (e.g., the Cyclops Islands in The Odyssey, 850 BCE).

These all can help us to extend our imagination and understand our environment.

In Sade’s work; discourse on Method; Rudiments for a Theory of Fantasy, the common characteristic of major libertine discourses is that the libertine expounds sexual theories or what might be better described as methodological recipes for jouissance (enjoyment).

Although, if we are aware of the world around us and think consciously, we have to be careful of what they want to feed us. By “they”, I mean those powerful behind the scenes who want to control everything.

The one who controls the food supply has the power to control the people, the one who controls the energy has the power to control the continents, and the one who controls the money has the power to control the entire world.
Henry Kissinger

I have mentioned before that the safe way can only be made by “us” through all kinds of arts, writing, painting, making movies or music, to show our awakeness and help each other stay vigilant! I don’t want to scare anybody, but sometimes fear can awaken the perception, and it’s always better than to keep dumb!

Let’s have some examples and comparisons:

1984 is great at illustrating the warning behind government totalitarianism. The characters live in a world where the government monitors everything they do.

Brave New World is a similar warning from the standpoint of a Technocratic Utopian control.

Fahrenheit 451 explores a world in which ignorance is rampant and causes the decline of education to the point where the government begins to regulate reading.

What would be the 4th book to add to these other 3?

Edit: Top 5 list (subject to change)

  1. “Animal Farm” by George Orwell
  2. We” by Yevgeny Zamyatin
  3. The Handmaid’s Tale” by Margaret Atwood
  4. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep” by Phillip K Dick
  5. The Dispossessed” by Ursula K. Le Guin

We can also have all these intelligent arts together:

I will continue this article later. May we take time to overthink all these! Let’s wish for an honest and truthful world. 💖🙏🤟

The image at the top: AI Painting Photos-1

Sources: / u/Panwall

27 thoughts on “Huxley’s or Orwell’s, The Main Concept Comes to The Same End! (P. 3)

  1. GOLD from The Magician!💛👏🏻🙏🏼 You express so clearly the same thoughts which have been on my mind. But I have been unable to articulate so well! We should be skeptical. And we are not required to worship and protect the ultra-powerful elite, who do not care about us! And who are destroying social trust. I share your wish for an honest and truthful world. I will fight for it. Amazing post, my friend. Bravo! Bravo!👍✌️

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks Aladin! From ‘Alice in Wonderland’ as a young girl to ‘Lord of the Rings’ as a young woman and beyond, I love these writers surreal worlds and is probably why surreal art is my favourite art genre. I call them all, the poetic landscapes of my soul, where I wander and muse with my pen or brush in hand. For me it’s a deep soul connection, so brilliantly depicted in the latest Avatar film. Love and light, Deborah.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. A wonderful — but bone chilling — collection of titles.

    Can you picture being a twelve year old book lover opening a present of a mini bookcase containing a selection of twelve of these on a Christmas morning?

    – MJM, who didn’t read all of them, but did indeed read most of them, as a teen… And who’s lived to see many of their tricks and techniques successfully used all around the world in attitudes and actions regarding smoking.

    Liked by 1 person

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