Baltic Sea, A long Weekend with Nature.


Last weekend was a long one, because of the celebrating the fiesta of Pentecost (Pfingsten, in Germany), and my wife and me, take a trip to the Baltic Sea (Ostsee). And, because Regina, my wife, always disliked social media, I have reduced all my activities and gave me wholly in her hands to take me where she wanted. Honestly, I liked it!

I am a man who always feels dutiful. Whatever I have begun to do in my life, I had tried to make the best of it. Like in earlier times in Iran, when I coincidentally got the chance to play for a short time on stages, until I had to work as a taxi driver in Germany (despite my introversion), I did all I could. I remember once, one of my customers had meant to me that I am actually not a taxi driver but pastoral care!

Now, as a retired man, I began again to fulfil my duties, whatsoever they might be (e.a. writing regular articles in WP) at best.
But it seems that I do get tired, wanted or not, and this “free weekend” did me good. You know, I am the kind of who wants to make people happy, satisfied and fortunate. These all give me the same feeling and gratitude, but sometimes it gets too much, and I feel exhausted (my own fault!).

It is enough now to cry, and thank you so much for your shoulders to catch my tears! Let’s tell you about this wonderful trip.

First, I must say that to travel to Easter Germany, for a foreigner like me isn’t so desirable! There we hear sometimes a couple of nasty cases happens for the unwanted foreigner now and then.

I was once there, with Al and a Persian friend, in this area. It was at the end of the 90s. Those days, we had felt this antipathy. But this time I had no problem, though I was the only foreigner there as I noticed! May the people have been going to have more apathy than antipathy.

Anyway, as I may mention before, my adorable wife is very active and a die-hard nature lover. Therefore, we had a walk every day:

One of these days, we had walked about four hours, two there and two back. As I remember, at the end of our walk, I had a feeling that I am standing beside me! But to put it bluntly, I enjoyed it all the time.

And of course, we had the rainbow:

And more pics.

Looking after the trees…

It was definitely a great adventure pleasure for me. Thank you, whoever you might be, you are a friend surely. Have a great WE. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ€—πŸ’–πŸ’–

23 thoughts on “Baltic Sea, A long Weekend with Nature.

  1. Dear Aladin, I’m so glad you got away with Regina and had a great time with her, far away from the internet. Those late spring greens, sky blues and vivid yellows in so many of your photos are wonderful! However, that last photo in black and white steals the show as it makes me think of how peaceful your Beautiful Baltic trip must’ve been and how getting away was needed for you both.

    More precious memories to add to your lives together, alongside the joy of finally standing beside yourself. Weeks off the internet feeds my soul, too much social media kills it and is why I have to take regular breaks of the internet myself in order to find balance and find myself again. Hope you’re having a wonderful weekend. Love and light, Deborah.

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    • You are saying the words, as always. I must try to win to remove this duty feeling, which you have won once. There are so many people waiting to be fed! As you might know, I am always trying to help, and so many need it. I know it is my own fault… And I know I must work on it. Love and Light forever for you. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ’–πŸ’–

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  2. elainemansfield

    I’m glad you had a beautiful vacation and that your wife keeps you moving. What could be better for your body and your relationship? I’m sorry it’s hard to travel. I have two close friends, one from Indian parents and the other Lebanese, and they always feel tense with traveling. The fear and rage is hard to accept. I hope all was and is well in every way.

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