Happy Solstice & The Yellow Full Moon!


As you all might notice, I am not in my usual rhythm! I have had guests since yesterday and have hardly had time to share my weekend posts! However, I wish all my dear friends a lovely weekend in the time of summer solstice and a stunning yellow full moon; I wonder if this happens often. I hope it is a sign of fortune. πŸ’–πŸŒŸπŸŒž

The image on top: KinukoCraft by Kadir Nelson Painter and illustrator

Here, dear Leonard Cohen describes how I feel. Love you all!

16 thoughts on “Happy Solstice & The Yellow Full Moon!

  1. As I’ve been reading Rumi this past week, I hear him throughout the chorus  …

    β€œAnd no one knows where the night is going.
    And no one knows why the wine is flowing.
    O love, I need you,
    I need you,
    I need you,
    I need you,
    Oh . . . I need you now!”

    Bright Full Moon Solstice blessings to you Aladin. Love and light, Deborah.

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    • AMEN!! To put it bluntly, I have not yet felt like it is summer outside. However, I hope that summer comes at least for a few days. I wish you, dear Lin, a lovely, warm, bright and fragrant summer season.πŸ₯°πŸ˜ŽπŸ€—πŸŒžπŸŒŸ

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  2. elainemansfield

    The full moon was big and bright here–more reddish than yellow. It’s called the Strawberry Moon here. And we have another full moon coming soon. Blessings from the Lunar Goddess to you.

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